Τίτλος paper: Has Direct Brain to Brain Communication Been Demonstrated by Electroencephalographic Monitoring of Paired or Group Subjects?
Ερευνητής: Robert A. Charman
Journal δημοσίευσης: Journal of Society for Psychical Research (vol 70.1, January 2006)
Από την εισαγωγή:
Sceptics dismiss claims that direct, non-sensory-system, communication, can, and does, occur between individuals, whether animal or human. Brains are programmed to receive, and respond to, input from their outlying sensory systems and those systems only. There are two recognised exceptions to this rule. Brain tissue can be activated by direct electrical stimulation and by the application of transcranial magnetic impulse stimulation. Any brain-generated electromagnetic field radiating beyond the head is far too weak to influence other brains. On these grounds scepticism seems fully justified but, despite such an apparent impossibility, paired electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings from stimulated brains and non-stimulated brains have shown sudden changes in voltage amplitude and frequency occuring in the non-stimulated brain coincident with stimulus-evoked potentials occuring in the randomly stimulated brain. [...]
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