Ερευνητής: Marios Kittenis et all
Συνέδριο δημοσίευσης: The Parapsychological Association Convention 2004
Από την εισαγωγή:
The aim of this study is to investigate possible remote psychophysiological interactions between sensorially isolated participants, using a protocol of photic stimulation and EEG measurements. It is an attempt to conceptually replicate past findings suggesting the presence of such interactions, and to clarify the role, (if any), of an existing emotional relationship and pre-session interaction between participant pairs.
Forty-one unpaid volunteers were assigned to one of three groups. One of these consisted of thirteen related pairs of participants who reported sharing an empathic relationship, another of five unrelated pairs (i.e. randomly matched strangers), and the last of five single participants. Related pairs spent some time alone together before testing, whereas unrelated pairs did not know each other and did not meet until after the session; single participants were told they would be paired with someone they didn’t know, but were not matched with anyone. Pairs of participants simultaneously listened to a recording of a progressive relaxation procedure including suggestions aimed to induce a hypnagogic-like state, which was followed by 15 minutes of continuous drumming; this procedure was intended to induce a similar alteration of consciousness in both participants. During the drumming period the EEG of one person of the pair (“receiver”) was recorded while the other (“sender”) was occasionally stimulated with randomly timed single photic flashes. For the single participants group the same procedure was followed but there was no “sender” to observe the flashes.
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