Τίτλος paper: The Voice on Tape Phenomena: Limitations and Possibilities
Ερευνητής: Jurgen Keil
Πανεπιστήμιο: University of Tasmania
Journal δημοσίευσης: European Journal of Parapsycholgoy
Από την εισαγωγή:
For a number of years popular books have been published in which the authors suggest and assert that tape recorders can be used to communicate with the dead. Even if one accepted some of the voices as paranormal, the voice phenomena do not provide any support for the survival hypothesis beyond that which can be claimed on the basis of other parapsychological findings. Indeed compared with other material the case for survival based on voice phenomena seems to be relatively weak. Furthermore in most if not all cases, it is extremely difficult to obtain any reasonable evidence for paranormality. The following discussion is therefore limited to items which have a bearing on this question.
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