Ένα πολύ σημαντικό συνέδριο στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία, με πλήθος αξιολογότατων ομιλιών. Είναι το δεύτερο κατά σειρά που οργανώνεται υπό αυτό τον τίτλο (2nd British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality) και αυτή τη χρονιά έχουν την τιμητική τους ερευνητές από τη μακρινή Βραζιλία.
Μερικοί τίτλοι από τις ομιλίες είναι αρκετοί ώστε να μας τραβήξουν το (παραψυχολογικό) ενδιαφέρον: Εκτόπλασμα και Μιτοχόνδρια, Επίφυση: Μύθοι και Αλήθειες, Η Νευροεπιστήμη των Μέντιουμ, Πνευματιστικές Εμπειρίες και η Σχέση Σώματος-Πνεύματος κ.λπ.
Αν τύχει και βρεθείτε στο Λονδίνο στις 7-8 Νοεμβρίου μην αμελήσετε να το παρακολουθήσετε.
Ακολουθούν περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με το συνέδριο...
British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality
The Second British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality will take place on 7th/8th November 2009 in Stratford, London, E15 4BQ.
Saturday 7th November (talks in Portuguese with simultaneous translation in English)
9:45 Welcome and Introduction
10:00 Contributions of the Medical-Spiritist Paradigm: Marlene Nobre, São Paulo, Brazil
10:50 Ectoplasm and Mitochondria: a Hypothesis on the Molecular Functions of the divided Electron: Sergio Felipe de Oliveira, São Paulo, Brazil.
11:35 Refreshment Break
11:50 Models of Integration of Spirituality in Medicine - The Brazilian Experience: Dr. Sergio Lopes, Pelotas, Brazil and Dr. Fabio Nasri, Sao Paulo, Brazil
12:35 Panel discussion with the speakers and audience
12:50 Lunch
14:15 René Descartes and the Pineal Gland - Science and Myth: Dr. Sergio Felipe de Oliveira, São Paulo, Brazil
15:00 Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Spiritual Disturbances: Dr. Sergio Lopes, Pelotas, Brazil
15:45 Neuroscience of Mediumship - A Neuroimaging Study with Brazilian Writing Mediums: Dr. Julio Peres, Sao Paulo, Brazil
16:30 Panel discussion with speakers and audience
16:45 Tea Break
17:05 Dementia and Spirituality: Dr. Fabio Nasri, Sao Paulo, Brazil
17:45 Patient Profile and outcome in Memory Regression Therapy: Dr Julio Peres, SP, Brazil
18:25 Panel Discussion with the speakers and audience
18:40 Closing Remarks
Sunday November 8th (talks in English with simultaneous translation into Portuguese)
10.00 am Welcome and Introduction
10.15 am Spiritual Reality in Psychotherapy: Dr. Andrew Powell, Oxford
11.15 am Doctor and Patient Explore the Spirit Realm: Dr. Alan Sanderson, London
12.15 am Lunch
1.30 pm Comfort for the Dying: Dr. Peter Fenwick, London
2.30 pm Spiritual experiences and the Mind-Body Relationship: Professor Alexander Moreira-Almeida, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
3.30 pm Tea Break
4.00 pm Panel discussion with speakers and audience
5.00 pm Closing Remarks: Dr. Marlene Nobre
For further details, see the Congress website at www.medspiritcongress.org or contact:
BUSS Secretary, Rm 8, Oxford House, Derbyshire St., London E2 6HG, 020 7729 3214, bussevents@gmail.com
Programme notes:
Dr. Marlene Nobre
Contributions of the Medical-Spiritist Paradigm
The Medical-Spiritist paradigm emphasizes holistic medicine, which places the spirit in command of the body. It has effectively contributed to many fields of Medicine including spiritual and scientific research, etiopathogenic studies, treatment of mental disorders and obsessions, spiritual cure, and in the use of complementary therapy that favours self-knowledge and self-healing.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Nobre is President of the International Medical Spiritist Association and the Brazilian Medical Spiritist Association. She formerly practiced gynaecology, with specialization in cancer prevention after fellowships with Professor Raoul Palmer at the Broca Hospital and Professor Jean De Brux at the Boucicault Hospital in Paris. She trained in Psychotherapy at the Institute of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Child and Adolescent, Sao Paulo, Brazil with Dr. Amelia Vasconcellos.
Dr Sergio Felipe de Oliveira
1) Ectoplasm and Mitochondria: A hypothesis on the molecular function of the divided electron
Spiritual revelations given in 1958 affirmed that the electron could be divided and that mitochondria, besides their known functions, are also connected to the chain of production of ectoplasm – a radiant energy which became visible in the research carried out by Williams Crookes. Our working hypothesis is that production of this type of unknown matter can only be possible due to the division of the electron.
2) René Descartes and the Pineal Gland: Science and Myth
René Descartes regarded the pineal gland as the seat of the soul. Spiritual revelations given in 1945 affirm that it is the gland of Mediumship. Our working hypothesis is that it is the organ of sense-perception, which connects spirit and matter, capturing electromagnetic waves of thought in the physical, as well as in the extra-physical plane. Our research in the apatite crystals, which constitute it, has allowed us to formulate new hypothesis about its functions.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Sergio Felipe de Oliveira graduated in Medicine at the University of Sao Paulo and holds a Masters Degree in Neuroscience from the same University. He is the Clinical Director of the Pineal-Mind Health Institute in Sao Paulo and the Founder and Director of the Unispirit Project. He is also the Coordinator and Post-Graduation Professor at the Course in Medicine and Spirituality at the Medical School at the University of Sao Paulo.
Dr. Sergio Lopes and Dr. Fabio Nasri
1) Models of integration of Spirituality in Medicine: A Brazilian Experience
In Brazil, a complementary therapy based on the Spiritist Doctrine has shown positive results in the recovery of patients receiving concomitant psychiatric pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. The pharmacotherapy seems to be more efficacious when the patient is also receiving spiritual assistance.
2) Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Spiritual Disturbances
The affective disorders are being widely studied, with undoubted advances, mainly in the field of psychopharmacology. The medical-spiritual experience presents a new chapter, the one of spiritual interference as direct factors in the symptom manifestation of emotional instability. What can the field of Psychiatry gain with this contribution?
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Sergio Lopes is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist with specialization in Psychoanalytical and Transpersonal Therapy. A former Clinical Director of the Spiritist Hospital in Pelotas, RS, Brazil, he is founder and President of the Medical Spiritist Association in Pelotas. He is currently Director of the Human Solidarity Department of the Medical Spiritist Association Brazil (AME-BRAZIL) and author of the book “Leis Morais e Saude Mental” (Moral Laws and Mental Health). He is also an active worker at the “Lar Espirita Assistencial Irmao Fabiano de Cristo (Spiritist Relief Home Brother Fabiano de Cristo”) in Pelotas, where he resides with his family.
Dr. Fabio Nasri
1) Models of integration of Spirituality in Medicine: A Brazilian Experience (see above)
2) Dementia and Spirituality
The decline in cognition observed in the elderly may have a possible correlation with spiritual behaviour and attitudes during their lives. Prayer, meditation and other processes of being in touch with a person’s soul can help prevent decline in cognition and the progress of dementia.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Fabio Nasri holds a medical degree and an MSc in Clinical Endocrinology from the Federal University of Sao Paulo, and has specialized in Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is the Coordinator of the Gerontology and Geriatrics Program of the Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo and a Fellow of the European Academy for the Medicine of Aging (EAMA) in Switzerland.
Dr. Julio Peres
1) The Neuroscience of Mediumship: A Neuroimaging study with Brazilian Writing Mediums
Automatic writing (psychography or spirit writing) is a specific dissociative state of a religious kind and can have major social impact. Ten Brazilian writing mediums were examined using SPECT while Mediumship writing and vigil states. A decrease of brain activity was demonstrated, consistent with the notion of automatic writing and a non-corporeal authorship of the contents.
2) Patient profile and outcome in Memory Regression Therapy
There are large numbers of people around the world who accept reincarnation. Those beliefs and values reflect the basic assumptions about the nature of Man, and the cognitive reference points used to cope with psychological difficulties. This lecture will provide a historical sketch of Memory Regression Therapy (MRT) in Brazil, and show the patient profile (n=610) submitted to MRT and its outcome.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Julio Peres is a clinical Psychologist specialized in Regression Therapy and in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He has a PhD in Neuroscience and Behaviour from the Institute of Psychology at the University of Sao Paulo. He is the author of several scientific papers published in mainstream journals such as Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (2005: 78, 431-437), Psychological Medicine; the International Journal of Psychology and the Journal of Religion and Health.
Dr. Andrew Powell
Spiritual Reality in Psychotherapy
In times of distress, spirituality raises some of the biggest questions that can face Humanity. 'Why must I suffer? What is it all for? Is death the end?' Many psychiatrists are unsure how to help their patients in their soul-searching. Yet there are ways to offer help, provided one trusts that the patient holds the key to these crucial questions, if only it can be placed in the hand.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Andrew Powell trained in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Maudsley Hospital, London. He was Consultant and Senior Lecturer at St. George’s Hospital, London for eleven years before moving to Oxford, where he continued in the National Health Service until 2000. He is an Associate of the College of Healing and Founding Chair of the Spirituality and Psychiatry Special Interest Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists www.rcpsych.ac.uk/spirit). His publications on spirituality can be found at www.rcpsych.ac.uk/college/sig/spirit/publications/index.htm
Dr. Alan Sanderson
Doctor and Patient Explore the Spirit Realm
Extending psychotherapeutic endeavour into the spirit realm is a new experience for psychiatrists. There are new techniques to be learned and new understandings to be gained. This is important work, which we have a duty to introduce to colleagues. I shall be illustrating my talk with case studies.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Alan Sanderson trained in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital, London. He subsequently worked in personality research and in general psychiatry in the National Health Service, where he also practiced spirit release. He retired from the NHS in 1997, but is active in private practice and in 1999 founded the Spirit Release Foundation of which he is President. His publications can be found at www.spiritrelease.com
Dr. Peter Fenwick
Comfort for the Dying
This paper will examine the experiences reported by the dying and their careers. There is some evidence that the dying may have knowledge of their death two or so years before they die, even though they may still be well. In the weeks before they die and at the time of death, phenomena occur that suggest a continuation of consciousness and that are a spiritual comfort both to the dying and to the bereaved.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Fenwick was formerly Consultant in charge of the neuropsychiatric and epilepsy unit at the Maudsley Hospital. He is Co-Director of research at the Department of Neurophysiology, Broadmoor Hospital and Consultant neuropsychiatrist at the London Sleep Centre, running a clinical and forensic practice. For the last nine years he has been studying magnetic field tomography at the RIKEN Neuroscience Institute, Japan. In the UK, he is researching near death experiences in coronary care units and surveying approaching death experiences in hospices and nursing homes in southern England.
Professor Alexander Moreira-Almeida
Spiritual experiences and the Mind-Body Relationship
The discussion of the mind-body relationship is usually based on a narrow range of phenomena. Taking into consideration spiritual experiences such as near-death experiences, Mediumship and cases suggestive of reincarnation may provide the much-needed broadening and diversification of the empirical base to advance our understanding of the mind-body problem.
[Σύντομο Βιογραφικό] Dr. Alexander Moreira-Almeida trained in psychiatry and cognitive-behavioural therapy at Institute of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where he also obtained his PhD in Health Sciences investigating the mental health of Spiritist mediums. Formerly a postdoctoral fellow in religion and health at Duke University (US), he is now Professor of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora School of Medicine and Founder and Director of the Research Center in Spirituality and Health, Brazil (www.ufjf.br/nupes). His publications are available at www.hoje.org.br/elsh
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