Τίτλος βιβλιοθήκης: Online British SPR Library
Υπόσταση: Online
Οργανισμός: British Society for Psychical Research
Είσοδος: Ετήσια συνδρομή
Διεύθυνση: http://www.spr.ac.uk/expcms/index.php?section=43
Περιγραφή (αγγλικά):
SPR members can now view and search online (including a free download allowance of 500 pages a month!) the contents of all issues of the Journal, Proceedings and Paranormal Review/Psi Researcher, as well as a number of rare classic texts of psychical research. Registration.
Additionally, members optionally receive special a discounted rate of £18 per year (normally £95) for access to most of the major parapsychological journals through Lexscien - all issues of the Journal of Parapsychology, Research in Parapsychology, Journal of Scientific Exploration, European Journal of Parapsychology, Revue Métapsychique (coming soon), Journal of Exceptional Human Experience (coming soon) and Parapsychology Abstracts International (coming soon).
The SPR Online Library currently contains the following material:
* The Journal of the SPR from 1884-2007
* The Proceedings of the SPR from 1884-2002
* The SPR Abstracts Catalogue
* Psi Researcher / Paranormal Review
These volumes span 120 years and represent some 60,000 pages of material. In addition to the Journal and Proceedings, the Library also contains the newly-published SPR Abstracts Catalogue , which gives abstracts for all the articles and other items published in the JPSR and PSPR, and the Paranormal Review (formerly The Psi Researcher). The full text of these publications is searchable on-line, and you may download any of the pages (but only for personal research purposes). We hope to carry on developing the Online Library by linking the abstracts in the SPR Abstracts Catalogue to the articles in the JSPR and PSPR sections of the library in order to make the Library even more versatile.
The SPR Abstracts Catalogue is a new publication of the SPR, presently only available through the SPR Online Library. It contains abstracts for everything published within the JSPR and PSPR. In addition to abstracts for papers, it also gives abstracts for essays, correspondence, obituaries, book reviews, etc. The abstracts are arranged into themed collections, allowing papers to be seen within the context of related papers and the correspondence they generated. This gives a wonderful insight into the development of various ideas (and controversies) in psychical research, and provides some historical context for individual papers and other material. We are sure that this Catalogue will rapidly become an indispensable research reference, and ensure that the historical work of the SPR continues to inform and influence modern psychical and parapsychological research.
The SPR Online Library is contained within The Library of Exploratory Science (Lexscien), an online library of research literature on anomalies and controversies in science and the humanities. Lexscien was created by the Centre for Fundamental and Anomalies Research.
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